Tuesday, June 28, 2022

MOROCCO: Why You Should Visit | Top Attractions

 MOROCCO: Why You Should Visit | Top Attractions

Photo Credit: www.tabula.co

Besides the great history and culture that Morocco has, over the last 10 years or so the country has also been the most visited and toured nation on the African continent. Morocco does off a lot to travellers in terms of itenery and in this blog post, we highlight majorly why you should visit Morocco. We will be sharing the Top 5 Attractions in Morocco thathave made the country the most preferred travel destination on the African continent;

Chefchaouen. This is a Blue-themed town that sits right below the Rif Mountains and it gives travellers a very photogenic experience. Chefchaouen is one of the most cultural towns in Morocco and it is all filled with color blue. This kind of architecture is very distinct to Morocco and people come from all over the world to come see this very unique town and also hike the Rif Mountains.

Erg Chebbi. If you want to experience the Sahara, the Erg Chebbi dunes which are found in the eastern part of Morocco will give you exactly that. Among the activities here include the camel rides, dune surfing, the desert drive and you could also camp at these dunes for an overnight stay. So if you've been looking for a real desert experience, this will be your place in Morocco.

Marrakesh. This is the most visited city in Morocco. This is simply because of the city's abundance when it comes to Moroccan culture. Here you'll get yourself some handicrafts with some sourvenirs that perfectly represent Moroccan culture. Marrakest is also very good for tourist photography and much more. While also in the city, you could also visit the Jema El-Fnaa which is the main square of Marrakesh. Jema El-Fnaa is one of those places where you'll find other tourists and locals to enable you to understand Moroccan culture even better.

Tangier. If you're visiting Morocco from the European side, Tangier should be your gateway. This is because it's the first city you'll encounter as you cross from Spain and Gibraltar into Morocco. For the travellers that want to have that European vibe, Tangier will give you exactly that, because this Port city will give you that great architecture that will make you feel like you've not left Europe.

Rabat. This is an old fortress that keeps attracting people from all over the world every single year. And in case you didn't know, this is also the capital to Morocco. This city is full of great attractions and historical monuments which definitely make it one of the best places to visit while on your trip to Morocco. Here you could check out the National Archeological Museum and the Modern Art Museum for you to get to learn and understand better Moroccan art and culture. 

Well, that's Morocco the most preferred tourist destination on the African continent and the top attractions. In the comments, let us know how many African countries you have visited so far.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

5 Extremely STRANGE PLACES In Africa

5 Extremely Strange Places In Africa 

Photo Credit: www.procaffenation.com

Africa. I call it home. My motherland. A great place to be for anyone out there that loves to connect with nature in terms of the organic foods on the continent, the wildlife, the water masses, and much more. But on the same continent, there are some extremely unusual places that even science just can't explain. In this blog post, we bring you the 5 Extremely unusual places in Africa. These are very strange places that we feel you might want to visit at least once in your lifetime;

Lake Natron. One of the mystery places in the worldbecause of its uniqueness compared to other water bodies in the world. It is found in the East African country of Tanzania in the Ngorongoro district which is found in the Northeastern part of the country. Lake Natron is one of the most shallow lakes in the world measuring 9.8 feet deep and over the years, people travel from all-over the world to come see this unique lake and study a thing or two about it. The lake has got red blood-like water which is very dangerous for any living organisms. These waters are saline in nature with a very big percentage concentration of soda and salt contents in form of Sodium Carbonate. For many people that love adventure, they come tosee this lake found in Tanzania.

The Giant Blue Eye of Africa. Known as The Giant Blue Eye of Africa or sometimes call the Richat Structure. This unique landmark is found in the Northwestern country of Mauritania. This special landmark is found in the Sahara desert and it stretches for close to 40km wide across the Sahara. And of course, there's been a lot of mystery around The Giant Blue Eye of Africa on how it was formed but no clear explanation has ever been made except for the fact that it has been existent for over 100 million years since its formation.

Deadvlei. Next we go to the Southern part of the continent in Namibia. The Deadvlei is a unique White clay pan area surrounded by sand dunes. This is believed to have come into existence after heavy rainfalls flooded the Tsauchab river which created a pool of water around this area that enabled Camel Thorn trees to start growing in it. These and dunes that surround this area later cut off the river water supply leaving the camel thorn trees to dry off in the process. Deadvlei today is one of the most visited places in Namibia which brings in a lot of foreign exchange into the country.

Dallol. Dallol which is found in Ethiopia is the hottest place on the earth. The temperatures in this place average at about 35 degrees Celcius or 95 degrees Fahreinheit. So if you're to visit this furnace of a landscape, you must be ready for those high temperatures. Dallol in Ethiopia will make you appreciate nature and its uniqueness because it's found in the Danakil Depression which lies 125 meters below sea level. This Danakil depression is considered one of the lowest points on earth.

Lake Nyos. Located in the Northwestern region of Cameroon is a deep crater found on the Oku volcanic plain. The magma which lies beneath this lake forms very poisonous carbonic acid which is very dangerous for any living creatures. In 1986 due to landslides, this lake emitted huge volumes of Carbonic acid which resulted into the death of over 1700 people with over 3500 animals killed. As a solution to this problem, the government in Cameroon installed a degassing system which aims at reducing the carbondioxide concentration in the lake.

Well, those are the 5 Extremely strange places on the African continent. In the comment, let us know which amonst these intrigued you most.

Monday, June 13, 2022

KENYA: 10 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

 KENYA: 10 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

Photo Credit: www.maasaiwilderness.org

It is a fact that Kenya has got one of the best Safari life and beaches that simply compare to non other in this world. Kenya which is an East African country has got a lot to offer to the world and in this video, we share the 10 Interesting Facts about Kenya that you probably didn't know;

10. Swahili Origin. In case you didn't know the origin of the Swahili language, many sources say and believe that the widely spoken language could have originated from Kenya. These sources say that it could have began in the 18th century as a working business language between the Arab traders and the Bantu speaking people of East Africa and it is said that the language could have begun between the Lamu archipelago and the island of Zanzibar. Today, Swahili is widely spoken in countries like; Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Comoros, Malawi, Mozambique and many other communities around the East and South African part of the African continent.
9. Mountain Kenya. Kenya also boasts as the country with the second-highest peak on the African continent which is found on Mountain Kenya. The Batian peak which stands at 5,199m Above seas level is the second highest point on the African continent and it annually receives tourists from all over the globe.
8. First Nobel Peace Prize. In 2004, Wangari Maathai became the first woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She was a social, environmental and political activist that worked so hard to see Kenya become the country that it is today. Unfortunately, cancer claimed her life in 2011 at the age of 71 years.
7. Multi Lingual Country. While many people perceive Kenya to be an only Swahili speaking country, the country has got over 60 languages that are spoken within its boarders. These languages come from the over 60 tribes that are in the country with the Kikuyu, Luhya, Jaluo and the Kalenjin being the most dominant tribes in Kenya.
6. Olympics Giants. Kenya is the only African country that has always represented the African continent very well at the Olympics games. The country has the highest number of medals collected at the competitions making it one of those giants on the African continent in terms of sports. Kenya over the years has produced some of the greatest long distance runners like Eliud Kipchoge, Benjamin Jipcho and many others that has represented Kenya at the world stage.
5. 50 National Parks. Kenya is one of the most naturally endowed countries with an amazing wildlife. The country has a total of 50 National parks and Game reserves that include the Maasai Mara where the largest animal migration of over 2 million animals happens every single year. If you've been looking for a place to go for a Safari experience, Kenya should definitely be one of those on your list.
4. Biggest Flower Exporter. When you think of decor and fragrance, always think about Kenya. This is simply because the country is the largest exporter of flowers on the African continent. These flowers highly contribute to the Kenyan economy because they're grown on a very large scale in the country. It's from here that these flowers are exported out of the country to be able to earn Kenya some foreign revenue. 
3. Polygamous Country. In 2014, the Kenyan parliament instituted a law that legalized polygamy in the country. The men in Kenya are free to marry more than one wife of their choice although some are restricted due to their religious beliefs. 
2. Staple Food. If you're preparing to visit Kenya, the brace yourself for some nicely prepared Ugali meal. Ugali is the staple food of the country and it's widely enjoyed across the entire country. This is a porridge-like mixture that's made from mingling maize flour in hot boiling water. Ugali can be served with beef or any other type of source to make it a complete meal.
1. Women's Village. The Umoja village found in the Samburu country is one of its kind on the African continent because it's only inhabited by women. The women in this village are those that have been depressed by societal issues like domestic violence, Female Genital Mutilation, etc... So, they decide to go to this village called the Umoja village as a way of finding refuge and confinement in other women.

Well, that's Kenya and the 10 Interesting facts about this beautiful East African country. In the comments, let us know which amongst these 10 interested you most and maybe where you're reading this from.
You can also check out our Speak Swahili For beginners Cource that we created specifically help you learn and speak Swahili like a native speaker.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

MAURITIUS: 10 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

MAURITIUS: 10 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

Photo Credit: www.blackpast.org

Mauritius is an East African Island nation that is found in the Indian Ocean. The country has a population of approximately 1.3 million people (In 2022) and its capital city is Port Louis. Mauritius is famous for being one of the best travel destinations for many travel enthusiasts and in this blog post we share the 10 Interesting facts about Mauritius that you probably didn't know. Trust me, some of these will blow your mind;

10. No Official Language. Mauritius is one of the few countries in the world that do not have any language recognized as an official language. Whereas English is seen as the most used for Administrative purposes, the island nation also widely speaks Creole and the French language. Creole which is a French and African-inspired dialect is spoken by over 85% of the people in the country. Maybe in the future, this will become the official language of the country.

9. Highly Religious. Mauritius is the one African country having the majority of the people subscribing to the Hinduism type of faith. These are 48.5% but there are others like the Roman Catholics 26.3% and Muslims 17.3%. This goes to show the different people of different ethnicities that live in Mauritius. 

8. Colony To Three European Powers. Mauritius is one of those few countries that was colonized by three European powers. These include the Netherlands (1638 - 1710), France (1715 - 1810), and Great Britain (1810 - 1968). Lucky enough, Mauritius was able to gain her independence in 1968 from the British.

7. Country's Name. Originally the country was known by the name Dina Arobi but this later changed during the Dutch rule and it was later named Mauritius in honor of Prince Maurice Van Nassau of the Netherlands. 

6. More Women Than Men. Mauritius is one of the few countries in the world that has more women population compared to the men. As it stands today in 2022, there are only 97 men for every 100 women in the country which creates a very healthy gender ratio in Mauritius.

5. Most Literate Country. In Mauritius, close to 90% of the population is literate living in the country with the highest literacy level in Africa. Because of this, the life expectancy on this island nation is 75 years

4. Free Public Transport. Did you know that there's free public transport in Mauritius for students, the elderly, and those living with disabilities? Well, this was implemented in 2005 by the then Prime Minister Dr. Beebeejaun making Mauritius one f those very unique countries on the African continent. 

3. No Army. Mauritius is one of the most peaceful African countries and because of this, the country has no standing army at all. The security in the country is provided by the Police and there are only 10,000 police officers in the country.

2. Most Visited Island. Mauritius has severally won the award of the world's leading Island destination and this has been for three times. The country is known by many travel enthusiasts as one of the best honeymoon spots so this makes Mauritius one of those most visited countries on the African continent. So if you're planning for your next trip to the African continent, Mauritius should be one of those on top of your list. 

1. Multiple Climates. Mauritius experiences various types of climate all year round and among these; there's a Tropical climate, a Subtropical climate, and a Maritime climate throughout the year. A cyclone season happens sometimes between January and March of some years. A rainy season and the southeast trade winds between March and November. As a travel tip, the best time to visit Mauritius is between May and December.

Well, those are the 10 Interesting Facts about Mauritius that you probably Didn't know. You can let us know in the comments which amongst these interested you most and maybe where you are reading this from.

MOROCCO: Why You Should Visit | Top Attractions

  MOROCCO: Why You Should Visit | Top Attractions Photo Credit: www.tabula.co Besides the great history and culture that Morocco has, over t...